Monday, January 3, 2011

My Happiness Project

Resolution for the week: outer order helps produce inner calm.....
Goals: clean up areas in my house that always give me an anxious feeling when I look at them

So far I have been off to a good start. I cleaned up my bedroom (aka: where the clothes bomb hit) today. Millie was very good and encouraging, so that helped. Because fact is if she isn't cooperative nothing can be accomplished. Tomorrow I hope to clear our stairs. They are probable the scariest area in the house. We don't use our stairway and there is actually a gate up preventing Millie from climbing them. So we tend to use them for storage. But it is the first thing my eye goes to when I enter my home. Wayne is off so he can help keep her from running up and down them while I clean. If I can clear them, I think I can call my goal for the week accomplished. We shall see.....


  1. You can do it, Holly! I've been on a cleaning out kick today and have ended up making a little extra money selling some stuff. It feels good to purge things! lol. After I finish with the messy spots in the house, I'm going to tackle my craft room. That place is scary!
