Sunday, April 10, 2011


I will turn 30 in less than 2 months. This number both gives me anxiety and a strange sense of relief. The anxiety everyone understands, but the relief most people have trouble figuring out. You see I have always had what everyone calls an "old soul". My wardrobe staple is a cardigan, I read and scrapbook for fun, I prefer comfortable shoes and almost never wear "cute" shoes, I like to sit in a rocker and just listen, I am usually (almost always) in the house and in my pjs by 7pm. Not exactly the wild life for a gal in her 20s and I have always been this way. So now I get to say, I don't want to watch that stupid movie, and I don't have too because I am 30. I don't want to listen to your music at an ear splitting volume, because I don't have too I'm 30! I can wear my cardigan and loafers because I am 30!! No I AM NOT HIP OR FASHIONABLE I'M 30!!!!! I know most of my readers are above 30.... and most of you are probably wearing cute shoes and didn't get in last night til midnight... but so what you are not my definition of 30. My bestie is turning the big 3-0 in four months and I swear she is holding on to her 20s by the skin of her teeth. It's kind of funny to watch her plan our wild adventures to celebrate our birthdays, the illegal acts she has listed for us to do.... but then just as I break out in a cold sweat I remember.... I DON'T HAVE TOO I'M 30!!


  1. Love it!! we are kindred spirits! and here i am still 26 (27 in less than a month)...but i definitely fit all your criteria plus the whole pill case, antique dish collection, and of course, the old lady water aerobics ;) I love that we have the freedom to act the age we feel inside and not chase our youth! Here's to comfortable shoes & good books!!

    (we should have a old lady date sometime and do relaxing things :) and husband is a super old soul--at almost 28 he eats dinner at 4 every day! eep!)

  2. If scrapbooking and reading make a person old, then count me in!! Two of my favorite things.
