Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mommy Daughter Date!

Today could have been unpleasant.... it started at 3am. Millie came into our room coughing her head off, courtesy of the allergies that plaque her and my hubby. I gave her some cough syrup and allergy med, but they didn't "kick in" until 4:30am. She was finally able to go back to sleep in the bed with her Dad, I remained in the recliner in the bedroom. When Wayne woke me up at 6:10 I was hesitate to wake Mil. She just looked peaceful, finally. So after some debate and a phone call to the teacher (my mom) I decided to keep her home today. She woke up around 10 and I was braced for anger. I just knew she was going to let me have it for keeping her home, but bless her little heart all she she said was "I sure was feeling sick, I'm glad I got to rest". Once she got up and moving she was feeling fine so we decided to have a Mom and Daughter date. We headed to Gattiland! She loves it there and this time she really did eat instead of trying to get me to hurry so she could play games. When we headed back to the game room we were the only ones except for 2 teenage boys. I must confess my first thought was "great teenage boys, this could be interesting", but I should be ashamed of myself. They were super sweet to her and gave her 500 tickets!~!!~! She got to pick out lots of prizes! Then we headed to the mall, target and ended our trip at sweet Ci Cis frozen yogurt. It was a lovely day with my precious girl!

 My Best Little Friend!
 She is the sweetest little person!
 She was full of attitude today!
 Look at that hip!

 First stop Gattiland!
 So MANY tickets!!!

 So MANY prizes!!!
Tired girl... ready to go home :)

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