Monday, November 29, 2010

Enjoying The Season

In previous years the holidays have been very stressful for me. It was all about me being behind. Gifts, Cards, Decorations, Scheduling Family Trips.... AHHHH! I expressed my distress about the approaching holidays last month to my husband. So together we made a goal. Finish all the "prep work" before December 1st so we could enjoy the holidays together and I could be less stressed. He went Christmas shopping with me, he helped me pick the cards, he put up decorations all weekend and we got the calendar out to schedule our family trips. He even switched his schedule with a coworker so he could be off on Christmas day. So now we are one and a half days away from December 1.
Gifts ~ bought and most wrapped
Cards~ printed and handing them out
Decorations~ put up and empty boxes ready to go back to storage
Family Trips~ scheduled
We are now ready to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It just makes me realize how amazing my hubby is.
Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. girl--you are awesome! i should do this but i'm such a procrastinator...
