Thursday, August 20, 2009

But That Is Not The Way I Do It.....

I should first start by saying Wayne and I have been extremely lucky that our employers have worked with us enough that one of us has been home with Millie since birth. I am grateful we have not had to rely on daycare like many have to. I know this is a huge blessing. I know that it is a wonderful opportunity for Millie to bond with her Daddy every Thurs. and Friday. I know that Wayne is wonderful about having the house picked up and the dishes washed before I get home. I also know that my daughter is safe, fed and loved while she is with her Daddy. BUT That is not the way I would do it...... Like tonight for example, I came home and Wayne just stated that Millie only got a half hour nap today. Mind you he was not complaining, he was just stating, but I immediately attacked him about the importance of an hour long nap, and I lectured him on the proper way to put her down. Why? I can't honestly say, I mean there has been more than one day when she wouldn't nap for me, but that was ok. But I was biting his head off for the same problem. I continued to nitpick at him til bedtime and it is only now when I sit here reflecting that I realize what a double standard this is. I think it is less about the nap and more about my guilt for leaving her. It is more about my need to be involved with every aspect of her life. It is about my controlling tendency. It is me being stupid. So now I am forced to sit here and try and think of ways to apologize to my husband. Wish me luck, I am a work in progress.

See Ya Soon,


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