Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love With Last Names.....

There are loves that are so famous they don't need last names to identify who they are.... Romeo and Juliet, Sonny and Cher, Rachel and Ross..... but all of these loves have something else in common, they ended. Some ended in tragedy, some in anger, and some by the show cancellation. We base or judge our relationships on these. We get concerned when the passion comparable to teens ready to die because of a feud isn't in our marriage. We appreciate the New Love, but very few famous love stories are remembered for the duration of love. You don't hear of many movies based on the average comfortable love. I am guilty of missing that. Then you have weeks when your kid is sick, you have a bad attitude because of lack of sleep, work is stressing you out, the house is a mess, invitations haven't been sent out, and just life in general is chaotic. The kind of week that would have caused Juliet to drink the poison with or without Romeo. Those are the weeks that show you the magic of comfortable love. Those are the weeks when comfortable love becomes refuge, you don't have to worry about how you look, what you say, or how you feel. You can just be. You know that no matter how yucky life gets you always have someone else feeling the same way. It seems appropriate these few days before Valentine's Day to reflect on comfortable love, because really it is the only love that doesn't have an end.

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