Saturday, April 10, 2010

Some of My Favorite Things

Today is a beautiful day, and that makes me feel like reflecting on some of my other favorite things.
1. Lists- I know not the usual number one, but for me a list takes away huge amounts of stress. When I write something down (particularly in list form) it doesn't weigh as heavy as it once did.
2. 7pm- Also not the usual time of day most people would pick, but for me it represents many things. It is the time of day that Wayne gets of work, and I begin to anticipate his phone call saying he is coming home to us. It is the time which most of prime time TV begins. It is the time of day that I start making dinner ( we eat late because of Wayne's schedule, Millie eats at 6) and I begin to pick up the house. I usually have Millie washed and in her pjs by 7, and she is waiting to pounce on her Daddy.
3. Magazines- I love a new magazine. I read them all. From a good celeb gossip rag to Good Housekeeping. I find inspiration for new projects, answers to problems and indulgences for my senses.
4. Books- Wayne and I were discussing the new electronic books the other day. He was saying he thought I would love a new Kendell, because I could download books and take a whole library everywhere. At first the thought was intriguing. But the more I pondered the new purchase the more it occurred to me that my love of reading isn't just about the story. I has a lot to do with the book itself. I love the feel of cracking the spine of a new book, or the musty smell of an old volume. I love that I have to make an effort to hide in my room or sometimes in the bathroom :) to sneak in those words I seek. I love most of all the hunt for a book. Going into a bookstore, new or used, is one of my little pleasures in life. I could spend hours in there reading and rereading the backs of my beloved paper books. So no Kendell for Holly.
5. Millie's Neck Hugs- Recently Millie started hugging my neck and whispering in her sweet little sing song voice, "it ok Mommy I right here". It is so precious and oddly very comforting. I think it means so much because before she arrived I had wished so much for her and had so many fears while pregnant that she would not make it to me. Sometimes I will feel that same anxiety, and when she says that it speaks to my soul. She is ok, and she is here and beautiful and wonderful.
I have so many more and I may continue this for a few more posts but for now, if you have suffered this far you deserve a break.


  1. wonderful things! i also have an absolute love of reading...books and magazines. I buy way too many. did I tell you that I subscribed to over 20 magazines in a crazy moment last year? yeah. now i have a gigantic stack of the ones that i just did not have time to get through. and also a huge stack of books. i seriously have at least 8 FULL bookcases in my house. and i always have a book and/or magazine in my car to read when i'm at a stoplight or drive-through.

    hope you have a great weekend with lots of hugs from millie!
