Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Bad Week

Sunday- scratchy throat, a little headache, no big deal
Monday- AM a little scratchier throat, not feeling great, but power through and go to Toddler Tales
Monday- PM crazy high fever, hubby has to come home from work, he brings home a flu test and guess what POSITIVE
Tuesday- feeling horrible, throat so painful can't eat or swallow, at times hard to breath, drive to the doctors office I work for, strep test POSITIVE
REALLY, I mean REALLY I have flu and strep throat!!!!! This sucks, but I am very grateful for a husband that is so wonderful and stepped in to take care of everything.
Wednesday- feeling some better and seeing light at the end of the tunnel, wish me luck


  1. so sorry dearest! they just told me about it today. :( hugs to you (but from a distance...) ;)

  2. I'm so sorry, it could be worse you could have tested positive for Type A and Type B flu like Larissa! I love you and hope you feel better.
