Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Glimpse Into The Future

Our beautiful baby girl has quite an imagination. Last night before bed she came into the living room so very excited. She announced she was going to put on an art show. I guess her concept on an art show was to dress up in different outfits from her costume collection and model them for us. Of course we oood and aaahd. She was pleased as punch and then she came to me and asked if she could have the pretty flowers. In our living room there is a cabinet that contains all our wedding souvenirs. Including my veil and bouquet. She has always been amazed by these white shiny things. She can be found staring at them at anytime of the day. Recently I allowed her to put on my veil and she paraded around the house like a peacock. So last night her request for pretty flowers meant she wanted to hold my wedding bouquet. Normally I am very protective of these objects, especially my bouquet. My Nana made my flowers with her own two hands. It was one of the last projects she was able to complete. But the combination of delight and wonder I saw in Millie's eyes weakened me. Ok but if we were going to do this we were going to do it right. So I took her to her room and put her in a beautiful white dress that I purchased sometime ago but no one saw because I was saving it for a special occasion, I guess this occasion. Millie thought it was beautiful. Then we placed the veil on her head and the flowers in her tiny hands. I ran back to the living room, with the video camera in my hand and the camera in her Daddy's, I announced her. She glided into the room on a cloud of joy. The results, some wonderful pictures (Wayne is an excellent photographer) and a moment I hope my daughter carries with her always. I could see that she felt beautiful, and special. She was so careful with her treasures. It broke her heart to pull the dress off, but I promised she could were it Sunday to church. Today I was reading and I noticed it was very quiet, I looked over and caught her staring and smiling at the wedding cabinet.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely precious! you know that one day when she grows up and gets married you will have to use these pictures in her wedding!
