Monday, January 18, 2010

Thank You Lord For My Partner

One of the most challenging things about being a parent for me is the job doesn't stop. I mean I am a nurse, and the job tends to follow you everywhere, but when you are home and relaxing it rarely comes up. I am a daughter and a wife, and while that hat is always worn it doesn't require constant maintenance (work yes, but constantly no). But when you are a parent you are always on call (so to speak), it doesn't matter what is coming on TV, if you are hurt, or sick, if you are tired or in the middle of a deep sleep. When your child calls out in the middle of the night or in the middle of your favorite soap, they come first. I think this was the most difficult aspect for me to get used to. And some days I don't think I have. It is those days when I thank the Lord the most for my partner. I really have no idea how single parents do it. Without Wayne I would have lost it a long time ago. Sure sometimes I feel like I do more of the workload than him, and sometimes I feel like all she can say is "MOMMMMMMAAAAAA". But then there are the times like tonight, I was just tired. I had been with Mil nonstop for 3 days, and while I love that more than anything in this world, tonight I was hitting the wall. Millie on the other hand was jumping off the wall...... Just as I was fixing to snap and say something I was going to regret, I heard the deep voice of my husband. He spoke to her with authority, but also with love and patience. Those were things I was out of for the moment. He was able to rationally deal with her and I was able to sit quietly and let him handle it. It was then that I thought "we can do this". Everyday there are examples of our partnership. When he rocks her to sleep so I can clean the house, when he feeds her breakfast so I can pack the diaper bag. When I dress her and he puts her shoes, and jacket on. These are things that are not only important to us, but also lessons we are teaching our daughter. We are teaching her that when you love and respect someone it works. We are teaching her that men can do dishes and laundry and that women can work outside the home. We are showing through example how a marriage can be both made of love and understanding. So tonight I want to take a moment to say thank you God for my partner.