Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Baby Growing Up

So my precious baby will be 2 this weekend. I can't believe it. It seems like a flash. Recently it is also becoming more apparent that she is not so much a baby, but more a little kid. Her vocabulary has always been huge, but now she is understanding what she is saying. She is also beginning to be a big help around house, she can pick up her toys, take things to the dirty clothes hamper, put plastic dishes in the sink, turn the TV off, and other simple chores. I have discovered her being able to open all the doors in the house is not the greatest. But it was bound to happen sooner or later and with Mil it is always sooner. She is more vocal about her own care. What she wears, eats and the activities she does are all up for debate. Sometimes this is a burden but most of the time it is helpful. It can be an issue when a clothing item is not clean or a certain food has not been replenished :( But all in all I have to say I like parenting better now that she can communicate with me and can handle simple tasks on her own. I have always been an odd sort of parent. Most people love the new baby stage, I hated it. Most people say things get harder when the can walk, I disagree. So far each new stages have major benefits, I can't wait to see what I will think about the next.....

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she will already be two, yet I feel like she is older than that! Glad that you are enjoying parenting so much--how could you not with such a little lady! :)
