Monday, September 3, 2012

Return to the Land of Wonder.....

My pretty girl is sleeping in her princess bed. I pray for her dreams to be full of fairies and wonder. She rests her weary muscles, tired from playing with a newly acquired set of puppies. Less than 8 hours from now she will be waking to prepare for another day of preschool. She will not whine while I roll her hair, she will obediently eat her yogurt, for she desperately wants the new sticker on her chart. Her school day will be short, no more than three hours, but in that time friendships are being formed and confidence is being gathered. When she comes home she will be greeted by her new furry creatures. My sweet princess will play and dance. She will grow tired in the evening, her eyes growing heavy under the fun she experienced today. After dinner and bathing she will slide back into her cool sheets. After prayers and stories the fairies will return and usher her into the land of wonder. Just another day in the life of the most precious person in my world.

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