Tuesday, April 14, 2009

For The Love of Dog

This particular blog is not for the faint of heart. There was the disclaimer so I don't want any weird looks or comments, I warned you.......
Punkin is my fur baby so I kiss her on the mouth. I can hear you now ewwww, that is so disgusting. I say to you I think her mouth is probably cleaner than yours and I see nothing wrong with it, that is a saw nothing wrong with it. Because now I have a problem. My daughter and dog french kiss each other. .... I will give you a moment to process that............. I do understand that this is a huge problem with some potentially embarassing moments ahead. Some of you are saying just spank them both and move on. But I can't, for many reasons, number 1 I want them to love each other and I don't want them to think that loving each other is an issue, number 2 if I hit Punkin in front of Millie she will think it is ok to hit her and number 3 it is soooo sweet. Ok now that I have officially lost my mother of the year crown, I ask you to submit solutions. I will listen to any and remember, don't judge cause your kid could be next.

See Ya Tomorrow,


  1. It has been said that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a humans mouth. As long as you are ok with it don't worry about it. She will out grow this phase, and she could end up like Magaily all of a sudden completly terrified of dogs.(It could be because one of hers is a 75lb Great Pyrenese that is more like a pony). Just go with it, and just think maybe one day she will be the president of PETA!

  2. i kiss butchy...maybe that's how i got parvo ;)
